April 28th, 2022

Elementary Campus

Outdoor Air Quality Index: Code Green

April is Earth Month: Ms. Lupo talked about how the school is helping to take care of the Earth through our school farm.

  • Growing food without chemicals – Compost at lunch, 5th graders built a compost bin, tons of worms in the soil, use plants that take nitrogen from the air and convert it in the soil
  • Feeding pollinators and providing providing habitats for animals & insects
  • Sequestering carbon – We keep carbon trapped in the soil by planting plants, even wild and crazy plants help keep carbon in the soil as opposed to the ozone
  • Using water wisely – We collect rain water to water our farm and plant along our irrigation tubes.
  • Eating locally at school – When we don’t eat locally it requires lots of refrigeration and gasoline to transport. We are helping to reduce food miles. Fresh, local food is packed with nutrition.
  • Building connections and community – We work together in our beautiful farm to feel connected to each other and the planet.

Song of the Week: Here Comes the Sun

Mindful Moment: This week we are focusing on the 5th guiding principal, “we celebrate our individual and collective successes.”

We wish you well!