PTCA wants to sponsor your parent & caregiver meet-up, affinity or resource group!

At the beginning of the year we shared the PTCA’s initiative to provide resources for parents to get together, share space, and build community. While a few groups have formed, we want to let you know- there’s still time to form a group. Even if you plan one event or meet-up this semester, that would be considered a success!

Anyone interested in leading a group will receive support from the DE&I Co-Directors. If you have an idea for a group or any questions, contact Cassie Leymarie or Humaira Afzal 

What is a parent/caregiver affinity or resource group?

These are voluntary, parent-led, PTCA sponsored groups. Groups are formed for parents and caregivers who share a cultural and/or social identity, or have a specific need. 

The goal of these groups is to:

  • Have informal, accessible gatherings one to two times a semester.
  • Create a space for families/parents to be heard, valued, and engaged.
  • Share experiences, knowledge, and ideas.
  • Provide insight to the PTCA Advisory Council as needed.