For parents & guardians who need a later pick-up time, our AfterCare program offers a safe and nurturing environment for students after school at both campuses.

AfterCare Details

  • Start date: July 30th (first day of school)
  • Cost per day: Elementary Campus – $20 for the first student, $15 for each sibling; Middle Campus – $15 per student
  • Operating hours: From dismissal until 6pm. Students not picked up by 2:55 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, or by 1:45 pm on Wednesday, will be signed into AfterCare, and parents/guardians will be charged the daily AfterCare rate.

Please be aware that students with an outstanding balance from the previous school year must settle it before being eligible to participate in the AfterCare program.

If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Dennis or Jaquoia Rockmore at the Elementary Campus or Santina Cambor at the Middle Campus.

AfterCare Policies & Procedures

  • Elementary AfterCare Schedule:
    • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
      • 2:55pm – 3:05 pm: Snack (provided by AfterCare); Restroom
      • 3:05pm – 4:05pm: Recess / Home Enrichment or Silent Reading
      • 4:05pm – 5:05pm: Workshop Activities
      • 5:05pm – 5:30pm: Recess
      • 5:30pm – 6:00pm: Clean-up & Quiet Time
    • Wednesday
      • 1:45pm-2:00 pm – Snack(provided by AfterCare); Restroom
      • 2:00pm-3:00pm – Recess/Home Enrichment or Silent Reading
      • 3:00pm – 4:00pm – Games
      • 4:05pm – 5:05pm – Workshop Activities
      • 5:05pm – 5:30pm – Recess
      • 5:30pm – 6:00pm – Clean-up & quite time
  • Middle AfterCare Schedule:
    • 3:00pm – 4:00pm: Check-in, Snack, Homework, Office Hours
    • 4:00pm – 5:00pm: Enrichment Block
    • 5:00pm – 6:00pm: Free Play/Additional Homework Time
  • Elementary students will be grouped by grade level. 
  • The staff ratio is 1:15.
  • Our staff maintains our school’s approach to learning and discipline, including Conscious Discipline, our Guiding Principles and the five elements of our mission. We assist students with homework assignments and create daily activities that engage the whole child. We closely monitor and supervise students and maintain a positive, safe environment. Students must behave appropriately within these ratios. Repeated discipline problems will result in a student not being allowed to participate in the AfterCare program.
  • Students in AfterCare, including enrichments, must be signed out by and adult and are not permitted to leave or walk home on their own.
  • The cost for AfterCare is: Elementary Campus – $20 for the first student, $15 for each sibling; Middle Campus – $15 per student.
  • Students not picked up by 2:55 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, or by 1:45 pm on Wednesday, will be signed into AfterCare, and parents will be charged the daily AfterCare rate.
  • Pick-up: Park in front of school and come to front door. Please ring bell and proceed to the front desk to have your child called and sign them out.
  • Please note that the program closes promptly at 6:00 at both campuses. A late fee of $1.00 per minute, per student, will be charged starting at 6:01. On the third incident of late pick-up, the fees increase to $3.00 per minute, per student. Excessive late pick-ups may result in a student not being allowed to attend the AfterCare program.
  • Invoices will be emailed every two weeks. Payment is due immediately via the Square link that is included on the invoice.
  • A limited number of scholarships are available.
  • ANCS provides an area for the students to place their belongings. We strongly recommend that children do not bring any toys, electronic equipment or games, unless specifically requested for an activity. There is also a lost and found area to claim items left at school.
  • Students may not use cell phones or smart watches during AfterCare.
  • Students may not attend the AfterCare Program if they are ill. Arrangements must be made for immediate pick-up if you are called.
  • Please keep staff informed of any changes of contact information and updated on any
    significant changes at home that might affect your child.
  • If medication needs to be distributed, please contact the nurse so that arrangements can be made.
  • Students may only be signed in at dismissal. Students may not be signed back in once they have left the campus.