2024 – 2025 ANCS Sponsors

We gratefully recognize the following organizations for their generous contributions to the 2024-2025 ANCS sponsorship program. Their commitment to our school empowers us to maintain the highest level of support for our students, families, and faculty/staff. We encourage you to support the businesses who support us! We encourage you to support the businesses who support us!

To learn more about our sponsorship program and how your company can participate, please visit atlncs.org/sponsor or email bgodsey@atlncs.org.

Platinum Level



Diamond Level


Gold Level

Silver Level


Bronze Level



2024-2025 Gather & Grow Fund Donors

THRIVE: Leadership Circle ($5,000+)

Cory Tiede and Carolyn Dunkle   Doug and Genie Dean

CULTIVATE: Oak Donor ($2,500 – $4,999)

Jessica and Nolan Stanton Dennis and Lynn White Ben and Katie Sutton
  Donna and Tom Seith  

NURTURE: Sapling Donor ($1,000 – $2,499)

  Tonya Courtney
Mary Bolen
Mark Silberman
W. Gregory McCormick
Stephanie & Travis Peterman
Amy and Marshall Howard
Paige and Eric Teusink
Rochelle Turner and Sean Donahue
Jason and Elizabeth Zwang
Janet and Donald Bradley
LaNiesha Cobb Sanders
Bob and Cindy Hutto
Meeghan and Rob Fortson
Sarah Younker
Jackie Rosswurm
Megan and John Michael Kearns
Jeffrey and Beverly Harper


This donor roll is updated on the 1st of each month from November 1 – July 1. Contributors to the current annual campaign will remain on the website through October 31st of the following fiscal year. If you believe that there is an error or if you would like your name removed, please email our Fund Development Office.