Every Tuesday while school is in session, the ANCS Courier is emailed to current families, staff, & board members. The Courier contains letters from faculty & staff, important school announcements, and community news.


  • Deadline: 3pm on Mondays to be included in the weekly Courier published on Tuesdays. Late submissions will be included in the following Courier.
  • Announcements, events, and information must relate to ANCS students or directly support the ANCS community.
  • Local businesses and organizations can post in the Courier and on the ANCS News page up to once a month. 

If you have any questions, please contact Paige Teusink.


Courier and Calendar Submission Form

    Please select all that apply.
  • Title of the announcement or news piece.
  • A one or two sentence synopsis to be displayed in the Courier. If left blank, the first few sentences from the post body will display.
  • Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, doc, docx, jpeg, Max. file size: 3 MB.
    Allowed file types: pdf, jpg, png, doc, jpeg
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.