We are so excited to start ANCS Chorus for the 2024-2025 school year! We will begin WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 at 7:30 AM sharp. Sign-up...
Elementary Campus
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the parents who have volunteered as room parents! Your support for our teachers is greatly appreciated. Every class now has...
This year’s curriculum night will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, August 28th. Curriculum night provides parents/caregivers the opportunity to learn more about the...
As of now we are working with APS to secure a crossing guard for the corner of Georgia Ave & Grant St. In the meantime, we will have staff present at both intersections...
Girls on the Run (GOTR) is returning to ANCS this Fall for another exciting season. Available to 3rd-5th grade students, practices will be held after school until 4:30...
Register now for fall Playball sessions every Wednesday at the elementary campus:...
Beginning after Labor Day, EC parents and caregivers are invited to join their student for lunch. Please inform your child's teachers in advance if you plan to...
Elementary Campus students will have the opportunity to participate in Chess Club on Wednesdays afternoons. Please note: Chess Club is not run through our AfterCare...
Dear Families, Summer is a great time for reading! This year ANCS Elementary Campus is taking a bit of a different approach to student’s summer reading. We are...