Heidi Lance
1st Grade Teacher
Heidi Lance is an experienced educator, with over 20 years of experience at ANCS in kindergarten and first grade classrooms. In 2013, she led her students to win Outstanding merits from the Georgia Student Media Festival, and then received Top Honors in the International Student Media Association (ISMA) for the project “Number Hunt in Our World 0-20”. In her current role, Ms. Lance is recognized as a leader in constructivist teaching practices at ANCS. She strives to ensure that the material she teaches her students adheres to rigorous academic standards, while also engaging students on their level, through their specific interests. She prides herself on cultivating an inclusive and creative environment for her students, and the school at large. In addition to her classroom duties, Mrs. Lance works tirelessly on the ANCS Leadership Team, and has been instrumental in ensuring that literacy instruction at the school exceeds state requirements.
Ms. Lance was a part of the original group of educators at ANCS who worked together to create a school environment designed for each child to thrive. From the start, she helped to create curriculum, mentored new teachers, and led professional development sessions in literacy and math. She has continued working with her peers on a variety of committees to continually update the school’s curriculum as best practices have emerged and evolved in the field of education.
Ms. Lance graduated from Ohio University with a degree in Health and Human Services. After graduating, she worked as a cognitive retraining specialist in a clinical setting. This experience led her to a life-long interest in brain function and learning, prompting her to gain her Master’s of Education with a specialization in Reading and Literacy from Walden University. She has lived in the Grant Park area for over 20 years. She loves teaching, but finds rejuvenation doing yoga. Ms. Lance considers it a great honor to be a part of all that ANCS has achieved through the years.