EC Principal Letter

Dear ANCS Elementary Families,

We had so much fun last Friday at Grandparents and Special Friends Day. It really is such a beautiful day here at school. The students are so proud to show off their classroom and work to their grandparents and/or special friends and I just love the smiles and warmth that everyone shares. I want to say a big thank you to Paige Teusink for all her hard work and dedication to making this day run so smoothly. We really could not have done it without her! Thanks to all our volunteers who helped support Paige. We appreciate you! 

Now that the mornings are cooler and students are wearing jackets and sweaters to school more often, it is super helpful to make sure that your child’s belongings (jackets, scarves, hats, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc.) are labeled with his/her/their full name. Things often get left around the school and are taken to the lost and found whenever possible. However, it is always best when we can just return an item to its owner, which is what will happen if it is labeled. 

As Halloween is quickly approaching, our children are becoming more and more excited about the big day. A first grader told me three times before 8:00 AM on Monday that Halloween was on Thursday. This is a fun time of year, but we ask that children do not wear their costumes to school on Thursday or bring candy from their trick-or-treating loot on Friday. We will not have class parties on Halloween, but teachers may do some fun activities with the class. We are hopeful this will help us keep an atmosphere of calm and learning here at school and respect the members of our school family that do not celebrate Halloween. Thank you in advance for helping us with these efforts. 

This year our annual Fall Fest is happening on Saturday from 12:00-3:00p here at the elementary campus. This is an event for students of all ages and the whole family is welcome to attend. I am looking forward to beautiful fall weather, snacks, games, bouncy houses and all of your smiling faces. Many thanks to Christina Washington and Joni Harris for cochairing this event and organizing a fun day for all of us! I hope to see you all there!

As always, I am happy to answer any questions you may have. I hope you have a wonderful remainder of your week. 


Wishing you well,
