Letter from EC Principal

Dear ANCS Elementary Families,

We are all happy to be back for a full week of school, in spite of the cold and rainy start to the week. I am hopeful that all the wintery weather keeping us out of school is over and we can enjoy being back on our normal schedule, which I am sure all of you are, as well.

I wanted to let you know that Mr. Dave Keevers will be leaving ANCS at the end of this week after working here for 9 years as our media clerk and maintenance support person. Dave has been a true gem to our school; always pitching in wherever he is needed – crossing guard, at the front desk, covering lunch duty, supervising recess, etc. He is moving to the Jacksonville, Florida area to be closer to his family. Please join me in wishing him well with all his future endeavors.

February is going to be a busy month here at the EC. It is Black History Month and we have a lot planned to celebrate! I will keep you all informed with all upcoming events and how you can get involved in my future courier letters, but please go ahead and mark the evening of March 5th on your calendars for our Black History Month Program.

It is important for me to note that while we are highlighting African Americans and significant historical events during February, we recognize that one cannot separate Black history from American history as a whole. Though we are choosing to highlight and celebrate certain African Americans and Black culture throughout Black History Month, it is important to us that students learn about famous, and not so famous, African Americans through our regular curriculum and in their own exploration of history.

Just a little background on how Black History Month was started. Historian, Dr. Carter G. Woodson, was concerned by what he viewed as scholarly neglect or misrepresentation of his people. In 1926 he announced the second week of February to be “Negro History Week.” This week was chosen because it marked the birthday of both Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas. Black History Month has been observed in America since 1976, but is also celebrated throughout the world, including Canada and the U.K.

We have another Prospective Family Information Session on Tuesday, February 4th from 6:00-7:00pm here at the EC. If you know any families who may be interested in having their children come to ANCS next school year, please encourage them to attend.

As always, I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Enjoy the remainder of your week!

Wishing you well,