Letter from the MC Principal

Hello MC parents,

Our year is off to a great start. Our 6th graders are finding their flow, our 7th graders have matured over the summer, and we are looking to our 8th graders to be the leaders in our building. Our teachers have been engaging students with inquiry (finding patterns in Math class(6th)), the scientific method (making and testing hypotheses related to food coloring and water in Science class (7th)), and fun (skits (Performing Arts; 6th) and videos (Physical and Health Education; 8th) depicting how to live up to the Guiding Principles at ANCS).

ManageBac (atlncs.managebac.com/login) is the website that we use for reporting on assessment data and student progress. It is also a source of information for what is going on in your student’s class. Once you login, when you click on each of the classes that your students are taking (example screenshot) you can find out about the current units of study (click the “Tasks & Units” button) and you can learn about what the teachers are focusing on for the next two weeks by reading their bi-weekly messages (click the “Discussions” button). If you have trouble logging into ManageBac try resetting your password, if you still have trouble after that reach out to Dale Scott, our IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) Coordinator at dscott@atlncs.org.

This week we’ve got MAP testing coming up on Wednesday 8/14 (MAP Math) and Friday 8/16 (MAP Reading). Encourage your students to get a good night’s rest and to come in and just try their best.

Outside of the classroom Volleyball tryouts will be on Tuesday 8/13 (3:15-4:30pm) and Thursday 8/15 (3:15-5pm) after school in the gym and the Ultimate Frisbee interest meeting will be Thursday 8/15 after school (practices begin on Tuesday 8/20 and Thursday of next week at the Warren Boys and Girls Club).

Finally, I’d like to close with a couple quick reminders:

Checking students out early: When checking students out early, please do so before 2:40 pm, we do not release students after 2:40 since we dismiss at 3:10 pm (On Wednesdays please check students out before 1:30 pm since we dismiss at 2:00pm). Additionally, another consideration that we have is Quiet Time. During Quiet Time the entire building is quiet from 1:55-2:05 and we do not release students at that time. Quiet Time occurs on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. If you are planning to pick up your student during this time frame please call us prior to 1:40 on days when we have Quiet Time so that we can bring your student down to the main office in preparation for an early check out.

Carpool/Dismissal: Finally, with our carpool line we sometimes have parents that are parking on off streets to pick up their students or encouraging their students to cross the street amidst traffic in order to beat the carline. We discourage parents from doing this because it is unsafe. Additionally, for context, we dismiss the entire school by 3:07 on our busiest days, and we have dismissed everyone by as early as 3:03 on some of our days when clubs and sports keep lots of students busy after school. Parents will never have to wait long for their kids so we encourage you to access the carline and to help keep our students safe. Everyone working together as a community makes for a quick, safe, and orderly dismissal.

As always if you have any questions feel free to reach out.

Kind regards,
