Meet the School Family Night This Thursday

Hello Middle Campus Families! 

We are looking forward to seeing you all at Meet the School Family Night on Thursday, September 5th. I’ve mentioned the event in a couple of Courier letters over the last few weeks so I hope you’ve got it penciled in on your calendar. The evening has a drop-in format from 6:30-8:00 pm so you can come during any time within that window. This video summarizes the event. Below are some other important details about the evening (PLEASE READ the bullets below.; Also FYI there will be NO Morning Meeting this week – our next Morning Meeting will be on Monday, September 9th.):

  • The focus of Meet the School Family Night is for you to have some face time with your student’s teachers. Our teachers have recorded videos about themselves and their classes so that you can learn more about them prior to arriving on Thursday. Linked here are videos to help you prepare for the event.

  • Please watch the teacher videos before you arrive so you have a headstart on getting to know the teachers. We estimate it should take you 30-45 minutes to watch the intro video, watch your child’s 8 subject area videos, and review the FAQs document. If you have a 7th grader be sure to ask them for their teacher names if you don’t already know them. Since almost every teacher teaches 7th grade, 7th graders have different sets of teachers (For example some students have Ms. Nelson for Science and other students have Ms. Jones.), knowing your students’ teachers’ names will be helpful in choosing the correct videos.

  • Meet the School Family Night is a drop-in event from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. There is no opening or closing gathering or presentation so come whenever you can. It will be helpful to us for families to spread their arrivals across the 90 minutes rather than all coming at the beginning or the end. 

  • The event is outside in The Backyard. Please enter through the back gate on Eastwood Avenue. The building entrances will not be open.

  • Masks are optional. 

  • Feel free to bring your middle school children and children of other ages as well if you need to. Your children will need to stay with you, but all are welcome. There will NOT be recess equipment outside for students to play with. We want to keep everyone safe given that people will be walking around and we don’t want people to run into playing children.

  • During Meet the School Family Night, we will be distributing Georgia Milestones scores from the spring 2024 administration.
  • Another VERY IMPORTANT note. This is not an individual conference event. Be sure to share the available time with other parents as you are getting to know your child’s teachers and advisor(s). If you would like to have an in-depth conversation with a teacher please reach out to them directly to set that up for another time. 

As always, please reach out if you have questions.

Kind regards,
