Chalk the Walk

We are in the first 6 weeks of school and still building community with each other. One way to build connections is through art. Advisories at the Middle Campus were tasked with finding a powerful quote together and decorate it on the sidewalk around our school. Students spend all week collaborating on designs and negotiating ideas. After their colorful creations, students reflected on the IB MYP Approaches to Learning Skills – which ones were areas of strength and which are areas of growth.

Approaches To Learning Skills

  • Communication skills: Exchanging thoughts, messages and informationeffectively through interaction
  • Collaboration skills: Working effectively with others
  • Organization skills: Managing time and tasks effectively
  • Affective skills: Managing state of mind
  • Information literacy: Finding, interpreting, judging and creating information
  • Reflection: (Re-)considering what has been learned; choosing and using ATL skills
  • Information literacy: Finding, interpreting, judging and creating information
  • Media literacy: Interacting with media to use and create ideas and information
  • Critical thinking: Analyzing and evaluating issues and ideas
  • Creativity and innovation: The skills of invention – developing things and ideas that never existed before
  • Transfer Utilizing skills and knowledge in multiple context