2024 Run with the Wolves is One Month Away

The 2024 Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School Run with the Wolves 5K and 1 Mile races are happening in just one month on Saturday, November 9 (rescheduled from the original date this past May). If you already registered for the original date back in May, you don’t need to do anything–your registration has automatically rolled over after the end of the refund period and you can pick up a new race number (and t-shirt if you didn’t get it in May) the week before the race. If you participated in a prior year’s race but couldn’t make the event in May, we’d love to have you join us this November. Registration fees go up after October 11 so register now for the lowest rate!

Not able to run the race but want the race t-shirt? You can purchase a race t-shirt only here by October 25. We are also in need of volunteers to help us put on a great event. View volunteer opportunities and sign up here.

Visit atlncs.org/5k to learn more! Thank you for your support of Run with the Wolves! If you have any questions, please email runwiththewolves@atlncs.org.