As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we understand that keeping up with the constant flow of important information throughout the school year can be challenging. Here are a few essential tools to help you stay connected:
The Courier
- Every Tuesday while school is in session the Courier is emailed to current families, faculty/staff, & board members. The Courier contains letters from our school family, important announcements, and community news.
Classroom Communications
- Announcements and updates from elementary campus teachers are consolidated onto a password-protected page for each class. Be on the lookout for an email from your classroom teacher soon with info on how to access your class page.
- Middle campus students and families will soon have access to ManageBac, the central communication platform for grades 6-8. In ManageBac you can find weekly messages from teachers, information about the current units of study, a calendar of upcoming assessments, and achievement levels for your child once assessments are scored and entered by the teachers.
School News Page
- If you miss the Courier or are looking for a specific topic, there is a wealth of information on this page.
Online School Calendar
- The online calendar is where you will find the most up-to-date information regarding school events.
The ANCS App
- A central hub for up-to-date information and tools for parents & caregivers accessible from your mobile device. Search for “Atlanta Neighborhood Charter” in the Apple App Store or Google Play.
School Family Facebook Group
- An online community for current parents/caregivers, staff/faculty members, and Governing Board members. While used as a supplemental means of providing access to certain information, this group is not intended to replace direct communication with administration, faculty, and staff. The best way to get a timely and accurate response is to contact the appropriate school official. All school employees and their email addresses can be found here.