Important Health Profile and Allergy Information
- By now you should have received an email from with instructions on how to complete your student’s Health Profile. If you do not see an email from SchoolDoc in your inbox, please check your spam folders. Your student’s Health Profile should be completed and submitted by August 8th.
- If your student has a severe allergy (food, insect, etc) that requires the use of an emergency epinephrine injector, please notify Nurse Hicks (EC) at or Nurse Leslye (MC) and please send that rescue medication in with your student. All emergency medications are kept in the classroom for quick access and travel with the student throughout the building, as necessary. All ANCS staff have been trained on how to use an Epipen and how to recognize the signs/symptoms of anaphylaxis.
- If your student has Asthma and carries an emergency rescue inhaler, please notify Nurse Hicks (EC) or Nurse Leslye (MC) and please send the rescue inhaler to school with your student.
- We are a nut-free school. Meals and snacks brought to school may not contain peanuts or tree nuts (almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, etc.). This list can be a helpful resource when choosing snacks and treats that are peanut and tree nut-free. Always check the nutrition label for up-to-date allergy information and ingredients. Due to the risk of cross-contamination, homemade food is not allowed to be shared. Shared food must contain a preprinted label with an ingredient list.
- During the school year, if your child is diagnosed with Strep Pharyngitis (strep throat), Influenza, Chicken Pox or COVID-19, please email Nurse Hicks at the EC or Nurse Leslye at the MC. We have students at ANCS who are immunocompromised and it is critical that we are notified of any infectious illnesses in the classroom as soon as possible.