Uptick in Lice Cases

We have experienced an increase in the number of head lice cases among our elementary and middle campus students. 
Head lice are: (1) not related to cleanliness of the person, home, or school; (2) do not carry disease, but can cause itching and rash; (3) are typically spread by direct contact with the hair of an infected person; and (4) are difficult to find because they are small and move quickly. Please check your child(ren) daily for the next few weeks. Head lice are easier to treat if caught early. 
If lice are found at home, please report this information to the school nurse at your child’s campus. Students will be allowed to return to school the day following a pediculicide (lice shampoo) treatment. You will need to continue to check your child for lice following treatment and if discovered again, your child will need to be retreated. 
For information, including how to check your child for lice at home, click here. Please don’t hesitate to reach out Nurse Hicks (EC) and Nurse Leslye (MC) if you have further questions or concerns.